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Green Plant

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered

How will Noga help my business?

Mindful practices are proven to improve well-being, reduce stress, and enhance creativity. It can help you find mental clarity, inspiration, and a deep sense of peace, which can ultimately lead to more informed and innovative business decisions

Can Noga really boost my creativity?

Mindfully connecting to natural environments stimulates the imagination, encourages innovative thinking, and often leads to creative breakthroughs. It can help you see familiar business challenges in new, creative ways. Helping you to innovate and stay competitive.

Why does ecotheraphy help employee health?

Ecotherapy is known for its stress-reduction benefits. Spending time in nature can lower cortisol levels and provide a natural remedy for stress and burnout, helping you regain a sense of balance and peace.

Can Noga support both
employees and owners?

​Does my business need to have a sustainable agenda to work with you?

How much time do I need to commit to see results?

Ecotherapy and mindfulness can be an excellent addition to team-building exercises. It promotes bonding, communication, and creativity among team members, enhancing collaboration and a shared sense of well-being. Enquire for tailored offerings.

No you dont, however Noga can help to enhance your business's sustainability initiatives, allowing you to make more eco-conscious decisions and create a positive impact on the environment.

It is likely you will see benefits after just one session with me. For long terms shifts in your business private consulting is effective or choose from my wide range of courses specific to your needs. 

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